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7 FAQs about Joomla login system you need to know


What is the Joomla login URL?

Why can’t I login as the administrator?


This article will answer the most frequently asked questions about the Joomla login page and its configuration.

Table of Contents

How can I login to the Joomla admin page?

How to set up a Joomla login module

How to create a login page through a menu item

Can I set up a social login in Joomla?

I can’t login to Joomla Administrator. What should I do?

How to customize the Joomla login page?

Who can log in to your Joomla admin?

How can I login to the Joomla admin page?

You can access the Joomla admin page by entering this login URL into your browser:

Here is the Joomla login page:

Joomla admin page

Enter your username and password, then you can access the admin panel.

How to set up a Joomla login module?

After logging in to Joomla administrator, you need to follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Go to Extensions -> Module -> Create New
  • Step 2: Choose Modules: Login
  • Step 3: Set up a Title and assign a Position to the module

Finally, you need to change the Status to Published then hit Save.

Create login module

Note: you can also customize the redirection page after logging in simply by choosing the article for “Login Redirection Page”

Here is the login module on the frontend:

Login module displayed on frontend

How to create a login page through a menu item?

After logging in to Joomla administrator, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to Menus -> Main Menu (or any menu) -> Add New Menu item

Step 2: On the Menu Item Type field, select Users -> Login Form

Step 3: Set a parent item

Finally, you need to change the Status to Published then hit Save.

Create login page through menu item

Note: After the user logs in, the login menu will be replaced by ‘logout’ menu items. You can also create a logout menu item with similar steps.

Can I set up a social login in Joomla?

Unfortunately, Joomla doesn't have this feature by default, however, there are many third-party extensions that can execute the job. Here are some top suggestions.

  • Miniorange: An easy to use social login extension with no setup required. Also, you can choose to display it anywhere on your page through the template position.
  • SLogin: Not only does this extension help you login with Facebook, but it also allows your user to create an account via the social network without any hassle.
  • Social login: This one supports up to 18 social networks. It’s free to use and supports other extensions like JomSocial, CommunityBuilder, EasySocial, and Kunena.

Social login by MiniOrange

I can’t login to Joomla Administrator? What should I do?

This is a pretty common problem for Joomla users, and it’s usually down to one of the following reasons.

Outdated PHP version

This is one of the main reasons you can’t log in to your administrator. Quite simply, your PHP version is no longer compatible with the Joomla login core. This issue tends to occur after you update your Joomla version. Sometimes, you will see a white page when trying to login to your administrator page.

To fix this, you need to ask your hosting platform to do one of the following:

  • Step 1: Back-up all your site data
  • Step 2: Re-install Joomla with the latest PHP version
  • Step 3: Restore your data to your new installation

To avoid this problem in the future, remember to check the compatibility of your PHP version with the extension whenever there is a new update. Update your PHP version if needed.

Your user plugin has been disabled

Either someone has disabled this plugin or it was overridden by a third-party extension. You could fix it with a little tweak in your phpMyAdmin database.

  • Step 1: Go to your phpMyAdmin (via hosting control panel, or ask the hosting provider)
  • Step 2: Find the {prefix}_users table (In my case, it is vej6v_users)
  • Step 3: Find your account
  • Step 4: In the “block” filed, change the input to 0

Fix disable user plugin

Getting a JAuthentication error message

When you get this error message:

JAuthentication::__construct: Could not load authentication libraries. Username and password do not match

It’s because one of your third-party extensions has enabled the authentication plugin and you need to disable it through the phpMyAdmin database to get access.

  • Step 1: Go to your phpMyAdmin(via hosting control panel, or ask the hosting provider)
  • Step 2: Find _plugin table
  • Step 3: Edit the record name Authentication_Joomla
  • Step 4: In the “published” filed, change the input to 0

You forgot your admin password

Everyone forgets their password once in a while. Besides the process to restore the password through email, you can reset the Joomla admin password through phpMyAdmin. (more details in the link).

How to customize the Joomla login page?

Change the logo in the login page

Within Joomla admin, you can easily change the logo in your login page to your logo by following the steps below:

Step 1: Go to Extensions -> Templates -> Styles

Find administrator template style

Step 2: In the Advanced tab, upload your logo image to Login Logo field.

Change login page logo

The result:

The logo has successfully changed

Change background color of Joomla login page:

To change the background, you need to add custom CSS code to your Admin template.

  • Step 1: Go to Extensions -> Templates -> Templates
  • Step 2: Switch to Adminstrator -> Choose Isis template
  • Step 3: Create a new file called “custom.css” under the css folder.
  • Step 4: Add this code to the custom.css

.view-login {

background: url(your_image_address_url)

no-repeat fixed 50% 50% / cover #eff0f4 !important;



.login.well {

background: none repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(245, 245, 245, 0.79);



.view-login .well hr {

border-color: transparent;


(credit: themexpert)

Remember to upload the background image in the media folder first.

The result:

Background of login admin page has been changed  successfully

Who can login to your Joomla admin?

By default, there are three user groups that can login to the admin panel. These are:

  • Manager
  • Administrator
  • Superuser

To grant other user groups permission to access your Joomla Admin, you need to configure the permission settings in the global configuration. For example, if you want an Author user group to be able to login, then you’ll need to:

  • Step 1: Go to System -> Global Configuration
  • Step 2: In the Permissions Tab, select Author
  • Step 3: Change the permission of Administrator Login to Allowed

Grant permission to other user group to login to Joomla admin

These are the most asked question about the Joomla login system. We hope that this article helped you to solve some of the common issues that you’ve been facing while using the platform. Have a nice day.

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