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  4. Official Joomlashine After Closes FAQ And Alternative Solutions - Community Discussion
Dear Joomlashine Customers,
It's been some time since we announced the close notification, it's very sad to say that and we received many farewells from you, we read a single word you said and feel sorry about that, but let this be over, we have to look forward to the future, this is the purpose of this thread.
Firstly, we want to remind you the support will be still available here for the next 12 months as promised, David and me (Louis) will stay here to help.
Secondly, I gathered some questions that have been asking many times since, and the answer here, might not be perfect but will be edited and improve over time to make them helpful as far as possible:
1. Can I continue using the Joomlashine products on my Joomla 3.x site ?
Yes, you can, the Joomlashine templates and extensions are still fully compatible with the latest Joomla 3.x and function normally.
Moreover, the Joomla 3.x still works fine in the meantime, so if you don't urge to upgrade to 4.x, you can keep the current state remains without a problem.
Here is the official confirmation from Joomla Provider:
You may also wonder if you have to migrate ASAP? You can take your time, we’ll support 3.10 for 2 more years. So your site is not at risk if you don’t upgrade now. And don’t forget that some of your extensions may not be yet ready for Joomla 4

Details here:
2. Can I use Joomlashine products on my Joomla 4.x site ?
Unfortunately, the Joomlashine products won't work with Joomla 4.x
The proper solution for you would be:

  • Hiring some Joomla experts to modify the core and make it fully compatible - to keep the design and ux of Joomlashine - if you want
  • Move to other Joomla providers - We will have a list of the providers with information and their discounts right in the comment under (thanks to, MelanieB, and other amazing Joomlashine veterans)
  • Migrate from Joomla to other CMS like WordPress, Shopify.. - I will be here to advise if possible

3. How about the License - Domain verification matter?
As David promised, a new update of the products will remove this limitation and you can use the product on any site you want as well as the current site.
In the meantime, your activated domain will still work normally no matter our server shutdown or stop.
4. Want to buy the product to use on my current project?
Unfortunately, we don't sell it anymore, but you can contact some well-known members that have the All in One package to help with this:

( For the veterans, please let me know if you are available for this through my inbox or email, I will update here).
5. I have other questions?
You are free to raise a ticket in this forum, we will try to support you as soon as possible.
Finally, let's make our community remains and grow outside of Joomlashine, we can discuss anything related to the Web industry here (news, solutions, updates..), if you want to join a Facebook group, feel free to leave your idea here.
Thank you so much for all your care and love,
I will stay here with Joomlashine forever.
*** CONSIDER *** : since Joomlashine products still work normally with Joomla 3.x, you don't have to switch anywhere, but if you want to prepare for Joomla 4.x or do it now, here are the solutions.
Joomlashine alternative solutions and discounts (kudos to Sam ( and MelanieB for sharing this with the community):
Pagebuilder - alternative of Pagebuilder 4, Pagebuilder:

  • QUIX Pagebuilder
  • Link:
    It feels like a front-page editor with drag & drop
    They are offering a huge discount at the moment with this coupon: JSTOQUIX_OFFICIAL
    It will be 5% extra of whatever they offer, thanks for their partner spirit.
  • SP Page Builder Pro
  • Link:
    It is an extension to make the pages by drag and drop with no coding experience.
    You can try the SP Page Builder directly here:
    They are currently offering a 25% discount on all of their plans when using the discount code: joomla4party.
  • Pagefly
  • If you are interesting in Shopify, take a look at this:
    It will help you feel the PB4 experienced and beyond.

Form builder - alternative of JSN Uniform

Template alternative:
I want to say unfortunately, the template is something that can't easily have an alternative because of the design

  • JoomShaper
  • JoomShaper is not prepared to offer anything above their current sale for JoomlaShine customers. That being said they are currently offering a 25% discount on all of their plans when using the discount code: joomla4party.
    Helix Ultimate 2 Template Framework: It is absolutely free Joomla 4 ready template framework. You can download it for free:
  • YooTheme
  • Holy Crap!!! YooTheme just emailed me again to let me know that they have increased their offer from 3 months to 12 months! So when you buy your first year with them you will get 1 full additional year from them! Thats amazing! Thank you YooTheme!
    YooTheme doesn't have coupons; however, they have offered 12 additional months free on their annual plans which equates to a BOGO. All you need to do to receive the 12 additional months free is send an email to with a copy of your JoomlaShine invoice.
    They were also kind enough to share the following details and links:
    1. YooTheme Pro is fully Joomla 4 compatible.
    2. They were recently interviewed in the Joomla community magazine about YooTheme Pro:
    3. If you need any other information about YOOtheme Pro, you can check out their blog for the latest news If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask them.
    4. How to install YooTheme Pro:
    5. Here is a list of all the documentation videos:
  • ThemExpert: This first discount came to us from ThemExpert
  • ThemExpert is offering a great discount at up to 80% off. To get the discount they will require a proof of purchase for JSN products.
    I have submitted to find out more details on the offer to JSN customers but have not received any response yet so I don't have any answers beyond the information I have displayed here.
    Important Note: While their Quix page builder is supposed to be releasing an update shortly (version 4.0.5) that will provide support for Joomla 4 it has not been released at this time.
  • TemplateToaster: creates a desktop application to design websites similar to JSN PageBuilder in "concept" however just at a first glance (I've not tested yet) appears to be way more than JSN PageBuilder. Not only do you design the pages of your site, but you are creating a Template for Joomla. (An advantage here is that you can actually create and sell templates with this tool, and it is not limited to just Joomla.)
  • $149 (Regular Price)
    $99 (Current Public Discount Price)
    $69 (Discount only for JSN Customers)
  • JoomlArt
  • JoomlArt is offering 30% OFF their annual plans for JoomlaShine customers.
    To get the offer, simply send an email to with an invoice from Joomlashine or talk to them on their live chat.
  • JoomlaCK
  • JoomlaCK has stepped up and agreed to offer a 30% discount to JoomlaShine customers as well. To take advantage of this great offer please contact them by using their contact form ( and ask them for a coupon and give them a link to see the invoice details. (I imagine you could upload a copy/screenshot to one of your invoices to Google Drive and provide a share link from there to them.)
  • Balbooa
  • Balbooa was excited to offer a 30% off coupon code valid for all Balbooa extensions and bundles!
    Coupon Code: JSN
  • RSJoomla
  • RSJoomla is currently considering offering a discount to JoomlaShine customers but has not made a final decision yet if they will. They have indicated that when/if they do it will be announced on their RSJoomla Blog.

IMPORTANT: If you find they are offering a discount for JoomlaShine customers and this listing is still in the "Honorable Mentions" section please let me know so that I can get this updated.
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